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Playable Games

All projects include a link to a public github repo where you can view the project files.

Check Mate Carnage

My flagship final year project. A multiplayer RTS game with an exteme-physics based twist.

Cook it!

A group project based on the game cooking mama, but designed to be played with a bop it. Developed with the unity platform.


A mobile app developed for a client that allows users to donate to get their voice or sounds harmonized into professional music.

Other Projects

All projects inlcude a link to a public github repo where you can view the project files

AI Predator vs Prey simulation

An AI simulation involving predator vs prey, utilising behaviour trees, GOAP, AI Directors and genetic algorithms.

Shader Diorama

A shader diorama made in Unity's shader graph and GLSL.


A level for the unreal tournament platform. The making of this level featured an iterative feedback creation process designed to mimic industry playtesting.

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